Thursday, October 21, 2010

naked truth about money!

деньги (russian), soldi (italian),钱 (chinese), l'argent(french) is wat it is being called in their various countries. An online dictionary defines money as a medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on market but i was taught in school as the most common medium of exchange and functions as a legal tender. If it functions as a legal tender then why do we say it can't buy happiness? anyways, am willing to rent happiness if i can't buy it plus how come i smile anytime i cop that fresh pair of sneakers from the mall? how come i can't help but find pleasure in throwing parties? how come i feel the opposite of happiness when i lost my benz? how come i feel good about myself when i donate to the church and the needy? if money can't buy happiness, how come her family folks keep asking where it is you stay and what car you drive? infact, have you ever wondered what joy it would bring that special person in your life a proposal right from the eiffel tower whiles you put that priceless blink on her finger? If you say money doesn't bring happiness then i believe both poverty and wealth have also failed. I agree with you if you say money ain't shit because it sure isn't human waste and doesn't come in a form of diarrhoea or ( just being my silly self). I agree money isn't the most important thing in the world because love is and fortunately, i just love money. For my peeps, i say love last as long as the money endures.


  1. lol!!!!!!!!!!!! this made smile meeeeeeeeeehn

  2. @maureen, glad i was able to put a smile on ur face

  3. yep1 as they say, money makes the world go round.

  4. okay u left out dinero thats spanish for money.
    its an interesting angle u hv taken

  5. @kay, thanks for bringing it to my notice and i hope you see the truth in it
